Struggling With Takedowns?
Learn Why common BJJ training practices ruin Your ability to develop takedowns and leave you completely unprepared for a competition or self-defense Situation. . . 
All Matches / Fights Start on the Feet, Right?
We all know that all fights and competition matches start on the feet, right?

And yet, people often neglect putting any focus on the takedowns or standing options, and most of the time BJJ coaches don't make it any better! They don't train takedowns themselves and don't pass them down to their students. 

And this leads people to start believing a LIE. . . 

Many BJJ practitioners believe the lie that because they didn't start in a sport like Wrestling or Judo that in BJJ they're predestined to be a Guard Pulling Butt Scooter! Now there is nothing wrong with pulling guard. But it's not true! I promise. 

Keep reading and I'll help you identify some strategies on how to improve your takedowns. 

Let's get started, shall we?

First off. . .

Takedowns are as much a confidence thing as they are a technical thing!

My wrestling coach in high school told us that if you took 2 wrestlers and made them fight for takedowns the one who was confident was more likely to have success, even if they were less skilled technically

So, let's chat about how to build more confidence with your takedowns, but also why BJJ culture makes it hard to do this. 

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How BJJ Culture Makes You Afraid of Takedowns

When it comes to learning takedowns in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu there are 2 big issues that keep most BJJ practitioners sitting guard and feel downright afraid of takedowns. 

1st, is the complete lack of focus on learning takedowns. 

Most gyms rarely practice takedowns and rarely start rolls on the feet. Even worse, sometimes they start on the knees which leads to learning how to roll from a position you'll literally never be in during a competition or a fight! 

But when it comes to building confidence, there's something else that's way worse. 

When it comes to building confidence in grappling it all starts with getting reps in, getting live work in position, trying to use techniques and failing and then making adjustments. 

Time in position is key! There's just no way to develop confidence as a grappler without actually doing live work in those positions. 

Imagine going into your gym on the 1st day and telling someone you wanted to become a confident and proficient grappler without actually rolling or doing live drills. You'd get laughed out the door so fast your rash guard would spin! 

And early on we're going to fail a lot! And we need to be able to fail while not getting injured!

And this leads us to the 2nd reason why BJJ training practices ruin people's takedown abilities. 

In BJJ, many believe size doesn't matter and that technique is KING! This idea will ruin your takedown abilities. 

Reading this sounds blasphemous, doesn't it? How dare Chewy say imply techniques isn't the most important thing. But we all know it's true! Size matters. . . it matters a lot! 

Yes, technique is still king! But if you start trying to do takedowns with someone much larger, then you'll struggle to actually finish an actual takedown (best case) and you'll probably get injured (worst case). 

I mean compare training methodologies of BJJ to Judo and Wrestling which are superior takedown focused martial arts!

Wrestling And Judo Don't Make This Training Mistake With Takedowns
If you talk with any wrestler or Judoka most would tell you that,

They rarely go live with anyone who isn't close to their same weight!

I know some high-level wrestlers and judoka and they would tell you that during their training they would always be paired up with someone who was close to the same weight when it came to live practice. 

Sure, they may drill with someone who was smaller or bigger. But when it's time to go after each other, they keep the people close to the same weight. Why are they so specific about keeping the weights similar? 

Because doing live takedowns with big weight differences can be dangerous! 

But this is completely opposite to how most BJJ gyms do it. 

On any given day, in just about any BJJ gym, it's common to see people of vastly different weights rolling hard against each other. A 150lbs person with a 250lbs person isn't uncommon. 

Now, on the ground you've got to be careful with this kind of match up. But on the feet, this can be a recipe for a serious injury if the practitioners are both inexperienced! 

And if you're the smaller grappler even if you don't get injured, you'll never develop the confidence to become skilled with takedowns since you'll never finish the takedown. Even if you have a good entry for a takedown you'll get countered and thrown around because when it comes down to it,


The ground can neutralize this a little, but there's a reason weight classes exist in Wrestling and Judo and why they don't do Open Weight Class divisions. 

And if you're a bigger person doing takedowns with a much smaller person don't think you're in the clear on this one! 

Instead of getting smashed you'll be developing a false sense of security. 

Sure, throwing around someone that's 80lbs lighter than you is easy! But what happens when the person is just as big and strong as you are? You'll be in for a rude awakening my friend. 

That said, I'm going to share some details on my Wrestling for BJJ series, but keep this important idea in mind. . .

If you want to remove the fear of takedowns and get skilled with your stand up techniques. It starts with you cherry picking your partners according to weight. 

You should only practice takedowns live with someone who's within 10-20(max) of your weight. Especially early on when you're learning and the risk of injury is at it's highest. 

If you have training partners who are skilled and can roll smooth that's one thing. But if you're close to the same skill you'll never develop your takedown abilities against much larger or smaller training partners. 

I know this goes against the normal training norms of BJJ, but it's for the best when it comes to takedowns. Now if you're a Black Belt you can make your own decisions. And if it's on the ground, again, it's a different situation. 

Now earlier I spoke about the false belief that you can't be good at takedowns if you never wrestled or did Judo before doing BJJ. 

Well as a full-time BJJ coach since 2009 I've been training my students who have become takedown artists in their own right in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. Most of which had absolutely NO takedown experience before BJJ!

So if you didn't wrestle or do Judo before, don't worry, there's hope for you just yet! 

Part of my student's success is that I teach a style of takedowns specifically for BJJ. I've spent years in the Wrestling room and working with college wrestlers, and then adapting it to Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. 
This is in contrast to most people in BJJ . . .
  • Most people lack a true step by step approach to their takedowns.
  • Most people dance around aimlessly with no real focus during BJJ matches. 
  • Most people can’t score the takedowns that they want. 
  • Most people are either forced to pull guard or they have ugly matches that leave them frustrated. 
  • Most people would be like a fish out of.

And, as I said earlier, I believe the issues listed above are because many gyms don't touch on takedowns very often. And this is a mistake!

Leg locks have become super popular recently. 

And we know that if you ignore leg locks, you're missing a whole chunk of potential attacks. 

Well. . .If you ignore takedowns in BJJ, you're severely hindering yourself by missing out on a huge aspect of grappling both from a self-defense and a competition standpoint.

That's why I developed this Wrestling for BJJ video series. 

It's the same system I've used to win the takedown battles in competitions like ADCC Trials, No Gi Worlds and No Gi Pans. I've also used these takedowns in MMA and self-defense situations. And this is the same system I teach to all of my students. 

I've even been paid by several gym owners to come and teach it to their gym. And now I'm making the best techniques I've come across to you. 

Here's What You Get Once You Invest In The Wrestling for BJJ Takedown System . . .
What You'll Learn with Wrestling for BJJ:
  • The feeling of being confident from ALL positions! (Many BJJ players are downright scared of takedowns. My Wrestling for BJJ series will change that.) 
  • ​Chewy's Favorite Takedowns: My highest percentage takedowns in competition.
  • Competitions And Fights Start On The Feet: Having takedowns makes sure that you'll be more comfortable and safe in a competition or fight which starts on the feet. . . not the knees.  
  • ​Don't have a partner? No problem! (Included in the series are a set of solo drills you can use to develop muscle memory for your takedowns even if you don't have a partner.)
  • Catch Them By Surprise! (Many BJJ players don't know techniques from Wrestling. This gives you an advantage of surprising them with something new they're not ready for, like the Sucker Drag.)
  • ​Got Bad Knees? (My high-level series is a set of powerful and basic takedowns that don't require you to drop and bang your knees on the mat.)
  • ​Takedown Defenses - Learn to counter takedowns and wrestler types with these highly effective defenses. 
  • ​Guard Pulling Done Right (You don't have to just butt scoot! With aggressive Guard Pulling you can go right for the sweep or even takedown)
  • ​How To Drill (Drilling is the "secret" to making techniques automatic. Learn my favorite takedown drills to speed up your abilities while keeping risk of injury low.) 
  • ​Dictate Position In Competition (With a strong takedown base, you decide where the match goes.)
  • ​Over 50+ takedown related videos to bring your standup BJJ skills to the next level. 
  • ​Bonus Q&A Section (We fielded questions from BJJ practitioners with their biggest takedown questions and included them in the series.) 
  • ​Fear Free Rolling (Getting slammed to the ground is a big worry for grapplers. Sound takedown fundamentals lessen the chances of that happening.) 
  • ​Simple, Effective, High %  (All the techniques included are battle-tested and have a strong fundamental base. There are no fluff techniques in this series.) 
  • Chain Together Multiple Attacks (You'll learn how to setup and combine multiple attacks just like you would from your guard or any other positions in BJJ.)
  • ​Black Belt Tested, White Belt Approved (I've only included the sound fundamental techniques I use as a BJJ Black Belt and successfully teach to White Belts. They work at all levels!)
  • ​GI and No Gi Options (I personally don't like to be limited to 1 style of BJJ. So I include techniques that will work no matter what you're wearing.)
  • ​Bad For Me Good For You. (I have a nasty habit of going back and adding more content later on as I find new tips, adjustments and concepts. It's more work for me but you get the additional updates at no additional charge.)
  • A Step-by-Step Approach. (You'll learn in an A-B-C-D style format where 1 technique leads right into another.)
  • A Special 21-Video with 3X College Wrestling Champ. (In this bonus which is included at no additional charge, my student will show you all things single legs from offense to defense.)
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The Best Part Is These Takedowns 
As an active Black Belt competitor in BJJ. I cannot afford to play around with "fluff" techniques. 

You know what those are right?

They're techniques that look cool and get lots of likes on social media but aren't practical and have a very looooow success rate.  

As a coach, my job is to curate the best techniques that I've used or learned and put them together for my students. 

And that's what I've done and made accessible with this series which includes all the most high-percentage techniques I've used personally or taught my students with success. 

If it hasn't been used at a relatively high level, it was scrapped before it ever got recorded. 

So if you find a technique you like in the series you can be sure it will be worth practicing. 
Takedowns for BJJ
Takedowns specifically developed for BJJ. Not only will you learn how to get someone down, but how to keep them there and stay of out of trouble in the process. 
A Systematic Approach
It's a step by step approach. The videos are broken up in a way to help get you from point A to point B rather than just throwing lots of random techniques.
Aggressive Guard Pulls
My favorite Guard Pulling techniques that lead right into takedowns and sweep when I'm up against a better wrestler.
Solo Drills
A special Solo Drills video including 7 different solo drills to develop better movement for takedowns. 
Defenses & Counters
What do you do if you're taken down? Included are 11 videos dedicated to defending and counters takedowns. 
How to Drill Them
Techniques are nice. But to make them effective, you have to drill them. In this series I show you exactly how I drill. Both in an effective and safe manner. 
Also Included: Single Leg Takedown Bonus with 3X College Wrestling Champion
One of my students is a 3X college wrestling champion at the heavyweight division. 

What's more impressive is that he was a smaller weight and moves like a lightweight. 

He's recently put his takedown skills on display in competitions like the ADCC trials and you can see a lot of his stuff on Instagram. 

That said, he filmed a 21-video bonus all on single leg takedowns! 

In the videos he shows everything from offense to defense and I talk about how it would translate to BJJ. 

This video collection could easily sell for $40+ by itself but is included as a bonus for you if you grab the Wrestling for BJJ series today.

Are You Ready to Start Building Your Takedown Game?
So after reading through all of this you might be wondering what the price is going to be?

Well, most video instructionals with as much material as I've included typically run no less than $90+ . . .

In fact I've sold it for that much in the past.

You could also find a Wrestler or BJJ practitioner with good takedowns and start taking privates. That could run you anywhere from $50 - $300 per session. 

You could go through the ridiculous amount of work I went through to develop these techniques. 

You could also physically come to my gym and train with me. 

Combine the flight to Louisville, along with room and board and other travel expenses. And it gets pricey pretty fast. 

You could also get online and piece together different techniques and try and make your own Bjj Takedown System. 

That all sounds like a lot of work to me, and a ton of time. 

So rather than spent all that money and time. . .

I'm going to give you the Wrestling for BJJ (Takedown System) series with the Single Leg Takedown bonus with my college wrestler student at a super affordable price. . .
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Still not convinced?

My goal is to give you the techniques, tactics and strategies to be successful on and off the mat. . .

And I stand behind everything I do. . .

So if you get the Wrestling for BJJ series, and you aren't completely satisfied, just send an email to within 30 days and I will refund you 100%. 
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