Stop Getting Overpowered on the Mat and Being Broken with nagging injuries : Find out how a structured strength training program can make you stronger on the mats and less prone to injury Off!
Learn how Short & sweet workouts can Help you become Stronger, improve muscular endurance and less prone to injury. . .
If you train in BJJ more than once a week, feel helpless with stronger opponents, have to sit out rounds during rolling or have nagging injuries that won't go away. Then read on... 
This could be one of the most helpful messages you’ve ever read. . .
What’s up my fellow mat junkie. 

I want you to think of two grapplers in your head right now. 

We’ll call them Grappler A and Grappler B. 

Now picture this, everything about them is the same including their level of skill and technique. 

The only difference is that Grappler A does strength training, extra cardio work and is in great physical shape. 

Grappler B is physically weaker and does no extra cardio work. Not in bad shape, but not it great shape either. 

Now I’ll ask you this question.
 If these two grapplers rolled against one another whether in a competition or just in the gym. . .who wins?

With 20 years of grappling under my belt, here’s how I see this roll playing out. . .

 It starts off evenly since technique is equal. 

Each attempting to execute a technique but gaining no real advantage over the other. 

Somewhere midway through the roll Grappler B begins breathe heavily as a general feeling of fatigue creeps into their body.

Their arms fill with blood and they can barely able to open or close their hand. They can also feel a deep burning sensation in the center of their chest as their lungs expand to gasp for air.

Worse than the physical fatigue, mental fatigue begins to set in as Grappler B wonders how much they have left. 
While the energy meter of Grappler B draining Grappler A still feels good. 

A little sweaty and breathing heavy for sure. But there is plenty of gas left in the tank to push the pace. 

As Grappler B grows tired, Grappler A feels their opponent’s body loosen up. Almost a feeling of letting go. Their grips no longer command threatening attention as they had earlier in the roll and their Guard breaks easily as they no longer have strength to hold their legs together. 

Grappler A feels this weakness and is energized from it. Feeling their opponent gas out is like blood in the water for a shark. 

They quickly pass the guard, achieve dominant position and easily submit their exhausted opponent. 

This fictional / theoretical story I just shared with you is based upon numerous experiences I’ve had in matches and rolls throughout my 20 years in grappling. 
The Bold Face Lie of Technique
 I’ve heard people attempt to say that technique is all that matters, and that strength or other physical attributes don’t matter. 

This is a bold face lie!

First off what is a technique anyway? A movement.

A movement that requires a certain amount of strength and physical exertion. 

As I write this to you there is a cup of coffee sitting to the left of my computer as it does every morning while I work. 

When I reach for it, lift the cup and then bring it to my face to sip, I’m using strength. A very small amount of strength, yes, but strength nonetheless. 

And having picked up cups to drink thousands of times, I’m very efficient at this movement just as I’m sure you are as well. 

But think of a young baby who has trouble holding a cup to it’s mouth. It’s learning the technique of drinking from a cup as well as developing the muscles used to properly bring the drink to it’s mouth.  

Technique is and will always be the king but to ignore the physical component is downright nutty. 

Techniques are not executed at the press of a button or a swipe to the right. Nor are they executed via mental power alone. 

Techniques are executed via human exertion. Bone, ligaments, tendons and muscle power come together in a concert of contraction to make the movement pattern we call a technique. 

And think of this way. . .

If physical ability didn’t matter, then why do you see so many of the top Brazilian Jiu-jitsu practitioners strength training? Wouldn’t they best use their time to drill more repetitions?

If physical ability isn’t important, then why do they separate older men from younger men in competitions? Surely, if technique was all you needed then the older you got, the better you’d be. 

If technique is not based upon physical ability, then why do you get exhausted during BJJ training?

Technique is not separate from your physical ability but 100% connected. And the beautiful part is that strength training and conditioning can maximize the effectiveness if your technique is good. 

Now there are two ways to increase your ability to use a technique. 

1. Practice the technique during drilling to increase the efficiency of the movement. 

2. Increase the athletic ability of the physical vehicle (your body) to use the technique. 

We'll be talking about the 2nd option today. 

increasing your athletic ability is like. . .
  • Giving your car a bigger gas tank! (Improving your strength, power and cardio is like giving putting in a bigger fuel tank into a car. You can go longer, harder and get further with your training.)
  • Adding jet fuel to your techniques! (Techniques require physical exertion to perform. Combining excellent technique with added strength and power gives your techniques the extra horsepower they need for hard rolls or competition.)
  • It can protects the body against injury! (Almost like a suit of armor. Strong muscles, tendons, bone and ligaments help protect the body against the risk of injury. Less injuries means more training!) 
ONLY $97
a real world example of athleticism beating technique . . .
When I was only 6 months into Brazilian Jiu-jitsu I found myself in a No Gi competition that combined White, Blue and Purple Belts together. 

I didn’t know this at first, but as I walked around the bullpen waiting for my match to start I chatted with a few of the guys. 

When I’d ask how long they had been training the replies came back as 2 years, 4 years, 6 years and so on. 

I was a White Belt, He Was a Purple Belt 
When my match was called I walked out to see my opponent waiting for me. He was a Purple Belt who had been training for 6 years. 

I smiled a bit because I knew. . . I was about to get worked! 

And as the match started I was on the run. My technical superior opponent pulled guard and attacked with one technique after another. 

Each time I was able to narrowly avoid the submission or sweep.

About midway through the match the Purple Belt attacked with a kneebar. I escaped and made it back to the feet. 

When we locked back up I could tell that my opponent was no longer the person I had locked up with just a few minutes earlier. He was breathing heavy, his footwork was off and he seemed to lean against me for support. 

I shot in for a takedown with success. Then after a scramble back to the feet I did it again. 

The match ended 6-2 with me being the winner. 

I didn't win this match on technique. My opponent had superior technique!

I won this match on manpower, endurance and better physical fitness. 
Not All Muscle is Created Equal
That said, strength and muscles does not equal better Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. 

When I first started training Brazilian Jiu-jitsu it was in a small corner of a traditional weight training gym. 

We were surrounded daily by bodybuilders in small tank tops sporting bulging muscles and back acne.

They looked at our rolling sessions with a look of contempt and curiosity. Then they would head back to their machine to bang out another set of bicep curls.

Every-so-often one of them would decide to give our class a try. 

Most of the time they did the class because they thought they would just overpower us. 

Show MUscle vs Go Muscle 
Unfortunately Hollywood movies lie and the more muscular person isn’t always the best. And when it came time to roll these guys were always the same. . .

About 60 seconds of power and aggression followed by them falling to their back and gasping for air.

There were cases where we’d have a 275lbs bodybuilder get worked by a 150lbs nerd. 

It was beautiful for all us to watch, but definitely a blow to their large muscle inflated ego. 

These types of guys were built of “show muscle.” This it the kind of muscle that looks nice but has no function. 

Going back to our car analogy. . .

Imagine crawling inside a sleek Italian sports car, turning the car on and beginning to drive. 

You see open road in front of you and mash the pedal down with your foot as hard as you can. 

The car explodes forward quickly pushing you back into your seat as the engine roars. It’s exciting! But only for a moment. . . 

Quickly the car begins to slow down and the speedometer needle drops down to a speed only suitable for an average jogger. 

At this point no matter how hard you press the pedal down the car won’t go any faster. 

This is show muscle. It looks cool! But really, it’s not worth much other than it’s looks. The bodybuilders who rolled with us were like that car.
Beautiful on the outside, with a junk engine. 
Go Muscle!
 Then there is another type of muscle. If you’ve rolled long enough you’ve felt it. 

Think of someone you’ve rolled with who is freaky strong, powerful and doesn’t seem to get tired. 

This is Go Muscle. 

This kind of muscle comes in all shapes in sizes. Sometimes it’s big, sometimes it’s smaller. 

But no matter what it has function. 

It has the ability to grab wrists, squeeze necks and lift bodies off the ground.
Prevents Injuries the most unappreciated benefit Injury prevention 
 Being stronger and more powerful is the fun part. 

There is often an unsung hero that comes from proper strength training. 

That is injury prevention.

This works a couple of different ways. 

1.It strengthens the bone, muscle, tendons and ligaments

By placing the body under a dynamic load, it is forced to adapt. Bone for instance has the ability to rebuild itself. So as it’s placed under load through strength training it becomes more dense. 

By strengthening everything around the joint the risk of injury is less. 

2. Correcting muscle imbalances. 

Another powerful way that strength training can prevent injuries is by helping to correct muscular imbalances. 

This is a HUGE problem from Brazilian Jiu-jitsu practitioners. 

Because we deal with some major problems in BJJ. . . .
  • Weak posterior chain muscles (hamstring, glutes in particular) leads to a lot of lower back issues. 
  • Tight Hip Flexors (caused by being in guard) again contributes to nasty lower back issues. 
  • Tight pec and bicep muscles from tucking our elbows and squeezing. 
  •  Rounded back and poor posture (from playing Guard positions) leads to neck, shoulder and back pain.
  •  Weak upper back muscles that can't stabilize against the tight pecs and rounded back. 
  •  Weak or imbalanced leg strength that can't protect the knee during dynamic movements.

The bad part about all of these muscular imbalances is that many of them are useful for our sport and martial arts training. 

Tight biceps and pecs close off gaps for underhooks and can squeeze a submission tighter and protect against giving up an underhook. 

When pivoting side to side on your back with Guard, your back has to round for efficiency. 

And those strong  hip flexors that are wrecking your lower back also allow you to maintain Guard positions. 

The key is that if you focus on correcting the imbalance, you can round your back, squeeze your pecs and biceps together and use your hip flexors during training but not destroy your body in the process.

Avoid Making This Mistake 
A mistake that many BJJ practitioners make with their strength training is engage in pattern overload. 

Their mistake is a logical one, but a mistake for long term health nonetheless. 

Here’s how it happens. . .

Someone is involved in grappling and decides that they want “functional” strength for their Brazilian Jiu-jitsu techniques.

As we talked about earlier, they want that Go muscle and not the Show muscle. 

They begin to perform exercises that very closely resemble the same movements they do on the mat. 

This seems logical right? Do the same movements to strengthen the muscles used during training right?

But here’s the insidious problem. You’re only furthering the muscular imbalances and creating pattern overload. 

Pattern overload is injury or change to the soft tissues of the body created by performing a repetitive movement over and over again. 

Left unchecked and this will completely wreck your body and lead to chronic injuries that will come sooner than later. 

Think of pitchers who are required to have surgery because they throw the ball in a particular way so many times. 

One of the most important functions of strength training is to keep your body strong and healthy. And a BIG part of this is by working muscles that don’t get much action during BJJ training. 
Any good strength training program for BJJ athletes should include:
1. A balance of strengthening and stretching
A mixture of stretches to loosen up tighter, what are known as tonic muscles. And then strengthening what are called phasic muscles. 

This balancing act is what will help the body feel powerful and perform well on the mats but also feel healthy and mobile off the mats. 

Any workout designed to balance a BJJ practitioner's body cannot be complete without exercises focused on hip extension and the posterior chain. 

Hip extension is the direct opposite of hip flexion. Hip flexion is what kills our posture as Brazilian Jiu-jitsu students and also contributes heavily to lower back problems. 

And by strengthening the muscles along your back side you can aid in protecting the overall health of your body. 
3. Intelligent Conditioning 
You shouldn't be destroying your body in the gym to a point where you're not able to do your grappling training effectively. 

Any conditioning work should be intelligently added in a structured way to assist the Brazilian Jiu-jitsu practitioner when they get onto the mats. 

Not leave them completely exhausted and unable to perform. 
4. Core Work
You might be surprised to learn that while BJJ does build certain abdominal muscles it can still leave you with a weak core overall. 

I personally had this experience the first time I worked with a competent strength coach. 

And with that, any solid program from grapplers should include the correct core work that will assist in protected the back and fighting against bad posture. 
5. Upper Back work
During training we are forced to round our backs in order to move efficiently on the mat and protect against underhooks. 

But rounding your back all the time kills your posture, leads to shoulder injuries and back pain.

Strengthening the upper back to fight against tight pecs and squeezing muscles will help line up better posture and should be included in any strength training program. 
The Good News today is this:
Hope that by reading all the above you understand the importance of a well structured strength training program. 

Both for it’s ability to strengthen your body and give power to your techniques but also to prevent injuries by strengthening the body as a whole. 

And with that I want to introduce you to our Grappling Power Program. 

This program was designed with my best friend and business partner Joe and it will take you through 10 weeks of structured strength training to build a strong body overall. 

Joe and I originally created this program to assist our Brazilian Jiu-jitsu students at our gym. So you can rest assured it’s already been tested on other grapplers with success. 

Yup! We ran our White, Blue, Purple, Brown and Black Belts through the program earlier this year to test it and made adjustments. 

Many of them had never strength trained before. But after the program not only did they become stronger on the mats. 

But they also gained a love for lifting because of the results. 

The students that already lifted still experienced jumps in their strength and power. Most of them hitting new personal bests on their lifts. 

The Brains, and Brawn, Behind the program
In case you don’t know him. At the head of our weight training lair is my good friend and business partner Joe. You may have seen him either in some of my videos or even with the information in this product. 

Joe is largely the brainchild of this strength training program. While I’ve given my input as to what would be helpful, he ultimately put it together. 

Joe is to weight training what I am to grappling. Just as I’ve trained in different styles of grappling like wrestling, BJJ and Judo. Joe has done bodybuilding, Crossfit, powerlifting and is now deep into Olympic Lifting (recently setting some national records.) 

There are a few things you should know about Joe.
- Firstly, he’s trained BJJ and competed. I’ve seen numerous coaches come up with programs who have never actually done the thing. Not saying it’s 100% necessary. But for me, I always value someone with real world experience rather than theory. 

- Secondly, he used to be TINY. Coming out of high school when he joined the Army Joe was about 130lbs. Since then he has literally gained 100lbs of solid mass.  

He’s crazy strong. Joe wouldn’t write this because he is too humble. But since I’m his buddy I get to humble brag about my friend. His strength is insane. He casually works out with my max weights. 

- He trains BJJ students everyday. Not only has he done it for himself, but he helps other people do it. 

This program that we’re offering you was already tested with our BJJ students, adjusted and refined, and then made available to you. He’s aware of their unique struggles and physical demands and understands how to train them correctly.

This program that we’re offering you was already tested with our BJJ students, adjusted and refined, and then made available to you.

The Grappling Power Program
ONLY $67
INSIDE Grappling Power Program YOU WILL FIND...
  •  A comprehensive, structured weight training and conditioning program that will make you stronger on and off the mat. 
  • ​Powerful exercises to combat your busted up BJJ hips
  •  Exercise substitutions to use and work around injuries or limitations. 
  • ​What most BJJ practitioners do that puts them at risk of injuries.
  • ​Why you don't have to workout to failure.
  •  Before lifting warm-ups designed to correct muscular imbalances. 
  •  The correct way of breathing that will help you generate more power while relieving stress and anxiety.
  •  Quick (45 - 60 minute) workouts that will stimulate the body without destroying your BJJ training. 
  • ​Movements in BJJ that create muscle imbalances and how to correct them
  •  A program designed around progressive overload (lifters know this, Jiu-jitsu people typically don't).
  • How to stretch tight muscles and strengthen weak ones to bring balance to the body. 
  •  A PROVEN and TESTED program (already used on my Brazilian Jiu-jitsu students with massive success).
  • ​Corrective stretches and exercises to fix bad posture and help fix problems with 
  •  How working out less in the gym will actually make you stronger. 
  •  How Jiu-jitsu is destroying your lower back (and what you can do to fix it).
  •  A simple way to get more mobile and flexible without stretching for hours (via primers and proper form).  
  • ​And much more.
What EQUIPMENT Will You need to get started?
  • A barbell and enough weight to challenge you. 
  • Dumbbells of varying weights.
  • Some form of a weight lifting bench and squat rack.
  • ​Some setup to allow pull ups and hangs. 
  • ​Optional: Resistance bands (easy and cheap to pick up online)

Now look,

As I said already but, 
we used this program with different people inside our gym
And they all had similar results.

Higher levels or strength,

Less pain in their body during training,

Decreased risk of injury,

Improved muscular endurance ,

They were able to combine technique with Strength
Before you can do this though, you've got to make a shift. 

Because most people are perfectly fine spending untold amounts of money on entertainment and consumer electronics.

But when it comes time to invest a little in themselves they reel back in horror. 

Most people will gladly spend their days scrolling on their phones and swiping left and right. 

But ask them to reserve just 45 minutes to an hour towards physical training and they complain they don't have the time. 

This poor mindset is what separates successful people from those who never seem to get where they want. 

Those that seem to always be getting better,

And those who seem to be stuck exactly where they've always been. 

So here is my last question to you. . .
Is Being stronger and Healthier worth the price of this program?
If you answered no,

That's fine with me. You can continue to get overpowered during training, fall short of the gold during competitions and watch everyone around you improve while you're stuck dealing with the same old problems and nagging injuries.

But if you answered yes,

And you've decided it's time to invest into your body's strength and overall health, to increase your ability to train hard, compete successfully and create a body that is able to impress those around you with it's ability.

Then click the big button below and let's get started!
ONLY $97
I’m taking all the risk out of this deal
When you buy the Grappling Power Program today, you also receive my Iron-Clad, no questions asked, money back guarantee.

So if for some reason you’re the 1 person who isn't satisfied, just hit up the wonderful assistant at and we’ll get taken care of.

And there’s a BIG reason I can do this:

I've already used the program, Joe has already used the program and our BJJ students at our gym have already used the program. 

And it works! 

I've watched students get stronger, complain less about pain in their body and enjoy the benefits of being more powerful on the mat. 

I'm confident you'll receive similar benefits if you stick with the program. . .

That said

read this DISCLAIMER:
Please understand that my results and those of my students aren’t typical. 

I’m not saying you can’t duplicate them or even do better.

I hope you do! I really mean that and it's why I'm sharing this program with you.  

I’m lucky enough to have been involved with weight training since a kid. And I've experienced the benefits of it during my years of grappling. 

And so just as I share my videos and BJJ techniques with you. I'd also like to share the enhancing effects  of weight training as well. 
That said, the average person who buys products online unfortunately gets little to no results. Because information is just information.

A tool that is only as good as the effort used with it.  

It requires action to put it together! 

So if you invest in the 10 Week Grappling Power Program I sincerely hope you put it to use and take action!

But remember, it's only a tool. You have to do the work. 
And lack of action will stop you from
  • Building a stronger more powerful body. 
  • Correcting muscular imbalances and  eliminating aches and pains
  •  Realizing more of your true athletic potential. 
Stop allowing yourself to be a victim of the big strong guys in the gym.

Stop being racked continuously with chronic nagging injuries that never go away.

Now that you know some of causes, there’s no excuse anymore.

Invest in your body today:

Take a moment if you need to…
Imagine what your life will be like once you're stronger and not chronically injured from muscle imbalances…

Because physical weakness and muscular imbalances will not only impede your ability to lift weights, but they will wreck your BJJ training overtime…

So just imagine how awesome it will be to be stronger, have more endurance and have less risk of injury.

You won't have to run in fear from the big strong guys in the gym ,

You'll have more muscular endurance and won't have to sit out every other round, meanwhile being at less risk of injury,

This leads to more training,

And more training leads to better Jiu-jitsu,

And this goes on to everything you do on the mat.

If you’re for this, click the button below:
ONLY $67 $47